No creo que se llame imaginación, simplemente me gusta mirar hacia un costado y ver más de lo que observo.
Se acabaron todos esos meses en los que daba por sentado que me consideraba un ser maravilloso. Por fin me ve como soy en realidad:violenta, desconfiada, manipuladora y letal.
Y lo odio por ello
May the odds be ever in your favor

2 de noviembre de 2013

PLEASE remember

-One of the saddest things in the world are the people who do not understand how sweet it is to live, people empty, no feelings or emotions, no matter if your heart beats, it seems like they have the brain off.
People who had a problem in life and is spiteful to that problem is not be able to live a full .. they have to take a step back. If there is sadness, happiness means existed, and those memories will be with them always, you just have to control your thoughts.
If life hits you controls what do you think and follow your day. Happiness does not always come from the outside.
If you were arguing with someone you love, and may be that person is very angry with you, and surely you with too, you have not turn away to feel better, you should calm down, control the situation, and say sorry.-

an old friend? i mean, something? said it, I think I should remember it, like I would have expected that he remembered this at that time, but guess, not everything happens happens at the right time, isn't it?

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